ohk its been a long time since ive posted... i know u all must have been dying to read another of my posts..(who am i kidding)... so to all those hopeless creatures out there who have nothing good to do over the next 5 min.... heres a reading passage... yeah just time urself coz ur not gonna find anything really interesting out here...
the past 2 months have been very eventful... lots of sad moments... a few happy moments... but they have been moments i will remember for the rest of my life.... especially yesterdays incident....
four years ago... hundreds of energetic and excited youngsters descended on the stage called MJCET... with hopes,aspirations,desires of their own... excited about the coming 4 years... wanting to do lots of things in their life... engg me ye karinge, wo karinge etc etc... 4 years on... its all over... we are done with our engg... the feeling is yet to sink i but yeah.. we have to start believing it... as for the dreams... well u can ask urself if u have got all u wanted....
my engg life has been a mixed bag... we got the one thing i craved for.. freedom... freedom to make my decisions and also claim responsibility for the consequences.. freedom to attend (rather bunk) classes... to hang around, talk about anything under the sun or moon.. to dream and to reach those dreams... to help each other in times of need... to celebrate ur friends birthdays and bash them on other days... to reducing the number of days u study for an exam from 3days in 1st year to hardly a day now.. to celebrate each others happiness and be with them in their time of need... alas the ride is about to end.. we have reached the stations... almost atleast...i think it couldve been better but overall im satisfied with what ive got... in a month or so we will have our convocations.. and there we will be... again the hundreds descending on the stage for the convocation... for one last time... the transition to adulthood being completed... we will be ushered into a world full of reponsiibilities and all....
but then who cares about the world... i mean what is going around the world??/
show throwing is fast becoming an art... and urs truly is becoming quite an expert at it and im teaching it too... i can now throw a show at a fly from 25 metres ofcourse if it doesnt move that is... infat now the politicians are working out to improve their flexibility... y else do u think LK Advani was lifting weights at the gym... they are joining a special course on how to evade a shoe... or in india... a sandle or chappal or eggs or cowdung... whatever.... their classes are being taken by.... u guessed it... me.... u knw its quite a business... u teach the public how to throw shoes... u teach the politicians how to evade them.... infact now im trying to get a tie up with a shoe manufacturing company to get a designer "throw shoe".... these will not come in a pair... buy one shoe only... save on the other one.... by the way... i was highly impressed with chidambaram's reaction after the incident... shows what a dignified man he is.....
the past few days were eventful.... we had a class farewell which ummmm.. was overall good... especially the last part... but yeah the most important thing the day did was brought us together with everyone ready to open his/her mind up about every1.. that was the one time i saw that a more united class could have made these 4 years even more memorable... a lot of people cribbed about groups in the class.. i think we still have a lifetime ahead where we can stay in touch... and the groupism part brings me to the college farewell and the highly talked about (but in my view non-existent) rivalry between ece-a and b... i apologise to people who have been hurt by my speech dat day.. it was in good humour...
speaking about the college farewell... it wasnt the dull stuff i expected it to be.... was fun actually... nice to see the lecturers on the receiving end for once... after all they have done to us.... people came up with some really funny speeches... especially jatin...
now we have the exams and im doing what a typical engg student does.... anything but studies.... the one thing i guess we have learnt from engg is that life shouldnt be confined to those books... i keep thinking about what i can do on the last exam... i mean how will i be reacting... this might be the last time i face all my classmates... theres so much to be done... i wanted to apologise to all of them if ive ever hurt them..... speaking about apologising... i think a lot of people were hurt by waamers speech on that farewell... the funniest part was that he had told us that given an opportunity to speak, he would want to apologise to every1... especially the girls... well if he was apologising, then it must have been in a coded language coz i thought he was doing qute the opposite.....
and before i end this torture... the last and most memorable incidentt of my college life... maybe even the whole of my life... yesterdays incident.... we were on our way to cbit when we got into an accident with a truck.... that was the moment i again realised that all the work ive done in my life... all the studies and all... could have been taken away in that one instant... i dont want to give a full description of the incident... i think faheems blog has alrready done that... but the intebsity of the crash was such that people looking at the wrecked car would easily have assumed there wouldve been casualties... and we lived... without a scratch... literally... the next 3 hours in the exam hall was a torture in itself... ur mind wanders... u think that instead of being hear u couldve easily been in a hospital or worse... dead... but it was god's mercy that saved us... and yasir's bravery and quick thinking.... the guy took the whole impact on his side... he could easily have swerved on the other side and i wouldve been the victim... and his first words after getting out... "aap log sab theek hai na?"... that tells a lot about him... yasir, i know u wont read this... but its because of u that we are all alive and well.... i dont think i wouldve had the guts to do what u did? thanks for saving us....
khair moving on... its been a great time spent in college and i hope each and everyone of us has a great career... i hope we have a great journey in life... and we meet each other throughout this journey so that w have exciting tales to share.... till then... be happy.... and drive safely.....
@ ahmed... sorry im lifting this one but i just had to do it

Students of different kinds
Students with different minds
Yet they share one similarity
They're tied together; friends in unity
Thanks so much for the funny moments
For when I'm lonely, they're wonderful ailments
Never will I forget these memories
Precious times; precious goodies
This batch shall be united forever
In the same boat; having fun together
Now it's time to go different ways
Time to spend our last few days
Laughing at the funny jokes
Recoiling from the harmless pokes
It's so hard to say goodbye
Let's just imagine it's a time to fly
Promise me you'll stay in my heart,
It's so sad when we're apart
Who will give those funny jokes?
Who will lighten our mopes?
Who can make the teacher laugh?
The teacher who is known to be rough?
Who can make field trips so fun?
Who can reduce our boredom to none?
Who will make learning bearable?
My new class?
No, that's horrible!
Students with different minds
Yet they share one similarity
They're tied together; friends in unity
Thanks so much for the funny moments
For when I'm lonely, they're wonderful ailments
Never will I forget these memories
Precious times; precious goodies
This batch shall be united forever
In the same boat; having fun together
Now it's time to go different ways
Time to spend our last few days
Laughing at the funny jokes
Recoiling from the harmless pokes
It's so hard to say goodbye
Let's just imagine it's a time to fly
Promise me you'll stay in my heart,
It's so sad when we're apart
Who will give those funny jokes?
Who will lighten our mopes?
Who can make the teacher laugh?
The teacher who is known to be rough?
Who can make field trips so fun?
Who can reduce our boredom to none?
Who will make learning bearable?
My new class?
No, that's horrible!
to all the students of final years,
lets all hold back on our tears.I am going to miss you guys
So let's all say,
our final goodbyes.
So let's all say,
our final goodbyes.
and while parting from each other,
lets promise to stay together.
note: if u have read till here... plzz leave a comment... will definitely appreciate it